Common mark of conformity “EAC”
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The common mark of conformity “EAC” (Eurasian Conformity) is a special marking used by a product manufacturer to inform its customers that this product has a proper EAC document and conforms to quality and safety standards adopted in the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, hereafter – the EAEU).
Products that have a Certificate of Conformity or Declaration of Conformity to the Technical Regulations in the EAEU (hereafter – the EAC document) must be labeled with the EAC mark. The EAC mark may only be placed if the product passed all mandatory certification procedures and has an EAC document issued for it.
Requirements to the EAC mark
The common mark of conformity “ЕАС” is a combination of three letters "E", "A" and "C" of equal height and width. EAC mark should be at least 5 mm wide, image of the mark should be printed in one color contrast to the surface. “EAC” should be perceptible with the naked eye without any special tools, clearly visible during the whole shelf life (service life) of a product. The EAC mark shall be placed on each product item, packaging or accompanying documents (inside Instruction manual, Technical passport, etc.). Products should be marked by the manufacturer, manufacturer’s agent or importer at a factory or warehouse immediately before shipment/import of the product to the EAEU.
In special cases a product may be labeled with the mark after its import (at the EAEU customs warehouse) upon approval of the customs authority.
Analogue of the EAC mark in the European Union is the “CE” mark.
Liability for violation of labeling requirements
Release of any unmarked products into circulation in the EAEU is forbidden. This requirement is specified both in Technical Regulations of the EAEU, and in regulatory acts of member countries of the EAEU member.
See also
IFCG Encyclopedia is an open knowledge base intended to help EAEU importers and experts in international trade.
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