Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 009/2011 "On safety of cosmetic products"

From IFCG Encyclopedia

Technical Regulation of the Customs Union 009/2011 "On safety of cosmetic products" was adopted by the CCU Decision No 799 on September 23, 2011 and came into force on July 1, 2012.

Scope of application

The Technical Regulation applies to all perfume and cosmetic products released into circulation on the EAEU customs territory.

CU TR does not apply to:

  • products for ingestion, inhalation, injection or implantation into the human body;
  • means for tattoo;
  • products used to diagnose and treat disease.

Confirmation of comnformity

The conformity of cosmetic products is made in the forms:

  • Declaration of Conformity (for perfume, lipstick, shampoo, soup, hair spray, etc.);
  • State registration (for tanning, beauty products for lightening of the skin, baby cosmetics, hair color, beauty products for hair removal, etc.).

(Cosmetic products are made with nanomaterials are also subject to State Registration).

See also

External links